Italian magazines dedicated to boating

  • Italian magazines dedicated to boating

Italian magazines dedicated to boating

Italian magazines dedicated to boating

Italian magazines dedicated to boating
Author Erika
Date 07/10/2016

A different title than construction sites and nautical events around the globe.
Today we are dedicated to the Italian magazines that deal with the the nautical theme and we see them synthetically.

& bull; motor boats

& bull; Windward

& bull; Journal of Sailing

& bull; the Inflatable

& bull; Motor boating

& bull; Nautica

& bull; Sail and power

& bull; sailing

Here is a summary of some Italian magazines dedicated to craft. Windward è certainly among these one of the most followed. For the month of October 2016 in magazine there are interviews, reports on the Olympics to Rio, and an overview of the new boat models. A real must for October which reserves this magazine are cruising reports to specific destinations.

Windward 5 Magazine Publishing Nautical Srl euro Cost Meetings and;

Then there is the magazine sailing and costs Panama 6.50 € Editore Srl that for the month of October 2016 tells us about the firm and the dream that is about to leave by Gaetano Walls, around the world non-stop solo. The enterprise part on 12 this month. Even this magazine makes a foray into the Olympics and speaks Italian athletes. The sail there also presents their evidence and many other topics.

Sail onto the magazine Nautica. Issues such as its name and cost 6.00 & euro;. Here too, the magazine is very interesting. We talk about current events, leaving room to reviews, a part of the magazine is devoted to spas October and news on boats.

All these magazines also give space, as it should be, even to Tech Tips and maneuvering at sea.

Yards and Nautical magazines

Well you saw that the topic of shipbuilding We really care about is only fair to mention that nautical magazines of various styles that theme is treated and leaves room for news, opinion, analysis, advice on sales and events dedicated to the boating world.

If you are passionate about boating and then in addition to following on the net you will love being able to browse your magazines to keep on your nightstand to read comfortably before falling asleep or in the morning before breakfast, no doubt...