Shipyards, articles about nautica

Shipyards the latest news on nautica

Boating, news and updates

Evo WA

Evo WA is the new model of yard Yachts and Yachting will be presented at the Cannes Festival Evo by September 2017.

Tankoa 58 metres, revealed the details

Developments and new proposals, always gives a special attention to this subject and there could escape the new project Tankoa revealed on the 58 m Open concept. To follow the details of this vessel recently revealed by the yard

Siren Yachts

The debut of the mermaid model 64 is scheduled at Boot Düsseldorf. It is then provided another model and that the shipyard Siren Yachts presents itself to the world of yachting, placing her designs at international level.

Azimut Yachts

Azimut Yachts turns out to be one of those shipyards always the center of attention in the sense that it does not lose track of him for long periods, even in this case presents no news the Let's see up close.

The project XPR-47

When it comes to developments and planned the two themes not only intersect, but often reserve surprises throughout the year. Today we'll look at the design of the study carried out by the architects and Fabio Menichelli yacht eMmePi Gabriele Pandit.


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