Yachts, articles about nautica


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Evo WA

Evo WA is the new model of yard Yachts and Yachting will be presented at the Cannes Festival Evo by September 2017.

Tankoa 58 metres, revealed the details

Developments and new proposals, always gives a special attention to this subject and there could escape the new project Tankoa revealed on the 58 m Open concept. To follow the details of this vessel recently revealed by the yard

AGES 43 and Miami Art Basel

13-metre boat, EVO is notorious shipyard, Yachts guest at the opening ceremony of the Miami Art Basel, place of the glamorous and contemporary art.

Siren Yachts

The debut of the mermaid model 64 is scheduled at Boot Düsseldorf. It is then provided another model and that the shipyard Siren Yachts presents itself to the world of yachting, placing her designs at international level.

Wider 150 coming soon for sale

2 sales contracts in a single month! These are the numbers of the shipyard in the Marche. This is the end of 2016 and certainly there is nothing to complain about.

Amer Cent Quad 4 Volvo Ips

It is the installation of the three Ips 1200 year 2015 from 900 horsepower apiece on model Amer 94. Joined Amer Yachts and Volvo Penta who had made about them because of the size of the pods of Swedish House riding motoryacht. But there is moreù….


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