Nautical supplies, Isa Yacht will enter into Pablo Group

  • Nautical supplies, Isa Yacht will enter into Pablo Group

Nautical supplies, Isa Yacht will enter into Pablo Group

Nautical supplies, Isa Yacht will enter into Pablo Group

Nautical supplies, Isa Yacht will enter into Pablo Group
Author Erika
Date 13/09/2016

The news is only two months ago. There was no transfer of the holding, but the Pace Group since July 2016 He was preparing everything that was necessary for the reopening of the Ancona shipyard, which is the site that will host all production activities. In the field of business transfers this news has been around the web and the many fans of the nautical sector followed this story.

History of Pablo Group

The year in which the Group Palumbo began his activity is the 1967, starting by a small carpentry developed in support of the market place and picking up the ship repair.

Its development comes to the present and today the Group has:

- 4 Divisions

- 5 Seats

- 1 Commercial Office Affiliate in Munich

Currently this company embodies the major Mediterranean Center intended for maintenance and ship refit, resting also has a good infrastructure system, without calculating which is constantly expanding.

In 50 years this company has been able to:

- Provide customer support Thanks to a wide range of services provided always with relationship speedilyà

-Assistance After the sale through infrastructure Palumbo Superyachts located in the city of Naples, Messina, Malta and Marseilles.

- Today the Palumbo Superyacht has great customers and has collaborations with who is starring in the nautical panorama.

Palumbo superyachts

With the acquisition of 5 ° site Pablo Group VA reinforcing its presence with Palumbo Superyachts outside the Mediterranean basin. This company builds, repairs and modification, also converts and maintains the ship of all types including cruise lines. We speak of the Palumbo Naples and Messina.

All companies of the Palumbo also have the certification ISO 9001 starting from the year 1998, ISO 14000 starting from the year 2005 and are in accordance with the organizational and management model OHSAS 18001. In essence this is the story of a company that is expanding up to conquer important slices of the nautical world market.