Comfortina yachts used

Comfortina yachts

Shipyard Comfortina yachts

Announcements and offers of boats and yachts Comfortina yachts currently available

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Used boats Comfortina yachts
Updated list of all the used boats shipyard Comfortina yachts available for sale

Used boats Comfortina yachts

  • USED

    42.59 ft x 12.63 ft
    1 x 50 HP Diesel Yanmar

    Teak Interior perfect super equipped.

    154,811 $

    Sail cruiser

    France, costa azzurra

    Used boat sailing boats
    Navigando S.r.l.

Boats Comfortina yachts

Models Comfortina yachts
Comfortina yachts
See all models from the site Comfortina yachts