Privacy policy

Privacy policy

Information pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 Nr. 196 (privacy code)

This statement shall be drawn up in accordance with art. 13 of the Privacy Code, from Tecnomedia Storitve d.o. or, in relation to personal information provided by users from access and/or registration or purchase to the site (" Site ") and is made with reference to other sites where yacht4web operates in the same manner, as the Registrar dispenser.

  1. The data controller is the Kunaverjeva Ulica 9, 1000 Tecnomedia Storitve d.o.o, Ljubljana (Slovenia), they gotta go below the company.
  2. Purposes of the processing, the company will treat the personal information provided by users for the following purposesà:

    a. to enable the registration to our Web site and take advantage of services reserved to registered users.
    b. to send information and promotional communications (including " newsletter ") in relation to products and services of the company or third parties, as well as for conducting market research also aimed at assessing the degree of user satisfaction (customer satisfaction), by means of email and postal service (known as " marketing purposes & quot;).
    c. for the elaboration of its on-line searches for the purpose of sending information and/or specific interest to advertising via e-mail and improved proposals submitted by the company (known as " profiling & quot;).

    Data provided within the service " Recommend this " offer on the occasion of visits to the site, registered users and unregistered users may report one or more cards to your friends/contacts by entering your name and email as well as the name and email address of the friend. Users should be aware that the company will keep such data after the sending of e-mails.
  3. Provision of data and consequences in case of non-consent to treatment.
    As the processing of data is necessary to allow the registration to the Site and the services, user's refusal to confer these data will make it impossible to register on the website.
  4. Methods of data processing the processing of data will mainly be carried out with the aid of electronic or automated means, in the manner and with appropriate means to ensure the security and confidentiality of data in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Act. In particular, will be taken all measures organizational, logistical and procedural, technical, computer, so that it is guaranteed a minimum level of data protection required by law, by allowing access only to people in charge of the processing by the owner or managers from the same designated.
  5. Transmission of data the personal data provided by the user, may be brought to the attention of or communicated to the following subjects:
    - Company Group companies, and/or employees and/or collaborators of the company, to carry out administrative tasks, accounting and logistical support and acting as, respectively, managers and Trustees;
    - in companies or consultants are responsible for the installation, maintenance, updating and, in General, the management of hardware and software Company;
    - to companies by the company sending online communications;
    - all those public and/or private individuals and/or legal persons (legal, administrative and tax), when the communication is necessary or functional to the proper fulfilment of contractual obligations in relation to the services provided through the site, as well as the obligations imposed by law;
    - to all those subjects (including public authorities) having access to data by virtue of legislative provisions or administrative.
    All personal data provided by users in connection with the registration to the website are not subject to disclosure.
  6. Conservation of data the user's data will be kept only for the time necessary to ensure proper rendering of the services offered.
    In the case of account closure of the site user-initiated, its data given will be stored for administrative purposes for a period not exceeding three months, without prejudice to any specific legal obligations on conservation of accounting documentation or for purposes of public security.
    In any case, it is understood that personal data will be stored and processed for the purposes referred to in points a, b, c, under art. 2 above, for the period of time permitted by law and the requirements of the authority for the protection of personal data. At the end of that period, the company will ask the user to renew your consent to processing of your data for such purposes or make the same anonymously and preserve them solely for statistical.
  7. Right of access to personal information in accordance with art. 7 of the Privacy Code, you are entitled to:
    a. obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data and their communication in an intelligible form;
    b. obtain from each of the controller:-an indication of the origin of personal data, the purposes and methods of processing, the logic applied in case of processing by electronic means; -indication of the identity of each of the controllers; -information about the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the territory of the State, managers or agents;
    c. obtain: the updating, correction or integration of data concerning him; -the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed unlawfully, including data whose retention is necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; -certification that the operations referred to above have been made known also as regards their content, of those to whom the data were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves the use of means clearly disproportionate to the protected right;
    11 information pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree 30 June 2003 Nr. 196 (privacy code) 12 this statement shall be drawn up in accordance with art. 13 of the Privacy Code from Tecnomedia Storitve d.o. or in relation to personal information provided by users from access and/or registration or purchase to the site (" Site ") and is made with reference to other sites where yacht4web operates with the same modeà as the Registrar. The data controller is 13 Tecnomedia Storitve d.o. or. Kunaverjeva Ulica 9 1000 Ljubljana-(Slovenija) I gotta go below the company. 14 processing purposes the company shall process the personal information provided by users for the following purposes: a. 15 to allow the registration to our Web site and use the services reserved to registered users. 16 b. to send information and promotional communications (including " newsletter ") in relation to products and services of the company or third parties as well as for conducting market research also aimed at assessing the degree of user satisfaction (customer satisfaction) by means of email and postal service (known as " marketing purposes "). 16 c. for processing on-line searches for the purpose of sending information and/or specific interest to advertising via e-mail and improved proposals submitted (c.d. " " profiling). 15 data provided within the service " Recommend this " offer on the occasion of visits to the site registered users and unregistered users may report one or more cards to your friends/contacts by entering your name and email as well as the name and email address of the friend. Users should be aware that the company will keep such data after the sending of the e-mail. 17 provision of data and consequences in case of non-consent to treatment. 16 as treatment of data is necessary to allow the registration to the Site and the services reserved the user's refusal to confer these data will make it impossible to register with the site. 17 methods of data processing the processing of data will mainly be carried out with the aid of electronic or automated in the manner and with appropriate means to ensure the security and confidentiality of data in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy Code. In particular all the technical measures will be taken Informatics organizational skills logistical and procedural safeguards so that it is guaranteed a minimum level of data protection required by law allowing access only to people in charge of the processing by the owner or managers from the same designate. 17 transmission of data the personal data provided by the user may be brought to the attention of or communicated to the following subjects: 16-a company of the Group Company and/or employees and/or collaborators of the company to perform administrative tasks accounting and logistical support and acting asà respectively managers and Trustees; 16-to corporations or consultants are responsible for the installation maintenance the update and in General hardware and software management Company; 16-to companies by the company sending online communications; 16-to all those public and/or private natural and/or legal persons (legal Administrative and fiscal) If the communication is necessary or functional to the proper fulfilment of contractual obligations in relation to the services provided through the site and obligations under the law; 16-to all those subjects (including public authorities) having access to data by virtue of legislative provisions or administrative proceedings. 16 all personal data provided by the users in relation to registration on the site are not subject to disclosure. 17 data retention user data will be kept only for the time necessary to ensure proper rendering of the services offered. 16 in the case of account closure of the site user-initiated the data reported will be stored for administrative purposes for a period not exceeding one quarter without prejudice to any specific legal obligations on conservation of accounting documentation or for purposes of public security. 16 anyway It is understood that personal data will be stored and processed for the purposes referred to inbc under art. 2 before for the period of time permitted by law and the requirements of the authority for the protection of personal data. At the end of that period, the company will ask the user to renew your consent to processing of your data for such purposes or make the same anonymously and preserve them solely for statistical. 17 right of access to personal information in accordance with art. 7 of the Privacy Code the user has the right to: 16 a. obtain confirmation of the existence or not of personal data and their communication in intelligible form; 16 b. get by each of the controller:-an indication of the origin of personal data the purposes and methods of processing the logic applied in case of processing by electronic means; -indication of the identity of each of the controllers; -information about the subjects or categories of subjects to whom the data may be communicated or who can learn about them as appointed representative in the territory of the managers or agents; 16 c. obtain:-upgrade rectification or integration of data concerning him; -cancellation the anonymization or blocking of data processed unlawfully including data whose retention is necessary for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed; -certification that the operations referred to above have been made known also as regards their content to those to whom the data were communicated or disseminated unless this requirement proves impossible or involves the use of means clearly disproportionate to the protected right; 16 d. oppose in whole or in part: for legitimate reasons- the processing of data concerning him even if pertinent to the collection purpose; -to the processing of personal data concerning him provided for the purposes of commercial information or advertising or direct sales material or for carrying out market research or commercial communication. The above rights may be exercised by making a request to the data controller the information contained in art. 1. The right to oppose the processing of your personal data is processed using automated methods of contact (email) also extends to the traditional (mail) without prejudice to the possibility for the data subject to exercise this right in part in accordance with art. 7 paragraph 4 Let. b) of the Privacy Code namely by opposing For example, to only send promotional communications made via automated tools. Likewise the user may exercise the rights of art. 7 of the Privacy Code which is opposing For example, to only send promotional communications. 18 19 yacht4web site uses Cookies rather prosaic cookies as a marker of identity for a buyer be it temporary (without prior to the purchase acquisition by us of your personal data ) whether a user registered buyer. 20 life of cookies is limited to the browsing session that is, close your Browser (Explorer Mozilla or other ) the cookie dies or it should be again repeated authentication in order to make purchases. 20 In some cases cookies are created that have a maximum life time of 2 Years specifically these recorded if you arrived at our site via the Google search engine and has the express purpose of measuring the effect of advertising campaigns on search engines. 20 cookies of this website do not constitute danger of data acquisition for your computer/browser that accepts them. Instead allow the user who decides to become our client You can make your purchase in complete privacy by avoiding the possibility of confusion on our computer system between buying a customer and another customer. 20 this technical choice was made in order to respect the privacy of our customers ' data. 21 19 Recording required data for a user in recording just only those strictly necessary billing operations and fiscalization of purchasing products. 20 the data are stored in databases protected and safe according to the latest standards and only in order to maintain the relationship of supply and/or assistance that exists between us and our customer. 22 each user at any time If you would decide to be deleted from our records may 23 customers simply by sending us an email or call us 24 to customer support.

the yacht4web site uses standard cookies as a marker of identity for a buyer, be it temporary (without prior to the purchase acquisition by us of your personal data), whether a user registered buyer.
The life of cookies is limited to the browsing session, or close your Browser (Explorer, Mozilla and others), the cookie is necessary to reconnect again dies, or authentication in order to make purchases.
In some cases cookies are created that have a maximum life time of 2 Years, specifically those registered if you arrived at our site via the Google search engine and has the express purpose of measuring the effect of advertising campaigns on search engines.
Cookies of this website do not constitute danger of data acquisition for your computer/browser that accepts them. Instead allow the user who decides to become our customer, you can make your purchase in complete privacy by avoiding the possibility of confusion on our computer system between buying a client to another client.
This technical choice was made in order to respect the privacy of our customers ' data.

The required data for a user in recording just only those strictly necessary billing operations and fiscalization of purchase of products.
The data are stored in databases protected and safe according to the latest standards and only in order to maintain the relationship of supply and/or assistance that exists between us and our customer.

Each user at any time, if he wanted to può decide to be deleted from our files by sending us an email or simply call us customer to customer support.