- Category
- SectionBoat description
Eccellenti spazi interni ed esterni per questo 393 del Cantiere francese. 3 cabine, con cabina armatoriale a murata, doppi servizi, ampia dinette trasformabile con cucina. Motore revisionato. Strallo di prua, verricello elettrico nuovi. Motorino d'avviamento e scambiatore sostituiti. Insonorizzazione motori. Roll bar. Predisposizione pannello solare ed eolico. Randa steccata, genoa avvolgibile. Gps, stazione del vento, autopilota, vhf. Cuscineria prendisole completa. Spryhood, lazy bag. Tendalino pozzetto.
Price74,858 $(70,000 €)Boat visible at- CountryItaly
- CityLavagna
Engine- Nr Motors1
- Motor Power50 HP
- Engine BrandVolvo Penta
Fuel- FuelDiesel
- Nr Tanks1
- Cad capabilities.36.46 U.S. gal
- Tank MaterialAcciaio inox
Trasmission- Type of transmissionAxis line
Weights and Volumes- Draft5.09 ft
Idraulics- Nr Tanks1
- Cad capabilities.125.75 U.S. gal
- Tank MaterialPolietilene
- BoilerYes
- Boiler TypeBivalente
- AutoclavesYes
Electrics- Nr. Batteries2
- Voltage12/220 Volt
- Charge batteryYes
Materials- HullVetroresina
- DeckTeak
- Deck houseVetroresina
Interiors description3 cabins, two bathrooms, large dinette with galley. Wooden interiorDescription of the armamentRoll bar, battened mainsail, furling genoa, sun cushionsDescription of instrumentationGps, plotter, depth sounder, wind station, autopilot, vhfMore detailsBarca con grandi spazi sia esterni che interni, veramente molto vivibile.Boat photographsYOU CAN CHECK OUT THE FULL PHOTO GALLERY OF THE BOAT Beneteau Clipper 393 BY PRESSING ON THE FOLLOWING LINK: PHOTOGRAPHS Beneteau Clipper 393For information about the boatContact sellerinformation on the boardAll data contained in the Used boat Beneteau Clipper 393 have been entered by the seller Sanguineti Yacht
Logos, photos and all copyrighted information belong to the legitimate owners. The published data are not intended to constitute part of an offer or contract and are believed to be correct but not guaranteed. Last update of the card 11.09.2024
Sanguineti Yacht
16033 Lavagna (Genova) - Italy