Space for images

Air force Captain Samantha Cristoforetti is in orbit on the international space station for scientific experiments but, during free time, send numerous photographs able to tell how the Earth seen by 400 km away
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe, combat ships on fire off the ramparts of Orion, and I saw the spokes glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser gate " This is the famous incipit of the final monologue of BladeRunner, dated 1982 cult movie and set in a future us approaching, 2019, in which extraterrestrial colonies are a reality, while the border is moved forward, in other remote areas of the universe A humanity for which, until a few centuries ago, the pillars of Hercules were the edge of the known world, the Straits of Gibraltar on "non plus ultra" beyond which the passage was not allowed mortals Then came Christopher Columbus, the West Indies, the new world and many sailors whose exploits are history The frontier of mankind has expanded thanks to Ferdinand Magellan: in November 1521, after crossing a narrow treacherous who was given his name, was the first to go in a new ocean which he called Pacific The Dutch Willem Schouten and Jacob Le Maire around Cape Horn doppiarono nearly one hundred years later, in 1616, by opening a new trade route, albeit extremely dangerous, useful to ships of greater tonnage not able to maneuver in the Strait of Magellan James Cook in the 18th century explored and created cartographic reliefs of Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii and other Pacific Islands, leaving the British Crown a wealth of scientific knowledge and that posterity would affect up to the 20th century And when mankind has done to explore his planet, he looked over at the space adventure and space colonization ... follows